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Performing Arts Center Coming to MVC

Watsonville -- Among the constant transformations being made on the Monte Vista Christian school campus, the biggest of them all will be the new Performing Arts center.

With buildings to hold theatre performances, pep rallies, and sporting events, those who sing and play instruments have to be stuck in the gym for their formal events that they take so much pride in.

“I love singing and being in front of the crowd but being in the gym isn’t the same,” said senior Reann Pineda. “I won’t be able to use it, but I am very excited for the future classes to be able to use this amazing facility.”

The building will replace the current S buildings (the portable classrooms) and the old tennis courts. The projected date of when the building will be opened is unknown, it has only been proposed by administration.

Faculty, as well, are anxiously awaiting the opening of the building.

“We have never had a building for performing arts, I am very excited to see it arrive,” stated the Dean of Students Edie Larson.

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